Elena Tsyrenova, Nikolai Lyutomsky
Eco-city would be constructed of multiple levels, with a large central core. The main upper floor would have residential areas terracing up around the walls of the mine. In the middle of building a wide light shaft would be located, transmitting the daylight down to the underground floors, so tha farms and gardens could be placed in them. The residential area would be separated from the shaft by parks and recreation spaces. On the second floor, a forest would be plated, to clean the air in the city. The lowest floor can be adapted for production purposes of farming. Total area of the Eco-city will reach 3 million m2, allowing for up to 10,000 residents. Some part of them would be tourists. The project would solve a number of ecological problems, removing the threat of destruction of the town Mirny located on the edge of the quarry. It would also serve a testbed, where various artificial settlement technologies can be tried and perfected.